OCC Packing Party – October 16
Help fill 750 shoe boxes at the Operation Christmas Child Packing Party!
You can get involved in three ways:
- Donating shoebox gift items. Gift items can be brought to the box by the Nursery entrance. We are low on the following items: pencils, pens, boxed crayons, pencil sharpeners, washcloths, bars of soap, toothbrushes, brushes or combs, cars, trucks, dolls, jump ropes, balls, shoes/flip-flops, boys’ and girls’ clothing, and notebooks. Remember that all items must fit inside a shoebox.
- Planning to attend on Sunday, October, 16, at 2:00 p.m. We will meet in the Gym.
- Donating toward shipping. An offering of $7,500 is needed to cover the $10 shipping cost per box. Please use a Special Offering envelope and mark it “OCC.”