Women’s Ministry


The purpose of the Titus 2 Women’s Ministry is to support the discipleship ministry of the church by helping women establish relationships with godly women who will encourage and equip them to live for God’s glory.


  • For girls and women to understand biblical womanhood and to equip them to apply these principles to all of life.
  • For women to be equipped to spiritually mother other women and to show and tell the next generation the biblical principles of womanhood.
  • For all participants to be strengthened in their love for and service to Christ and the church and to develop relationships with women of all ages.


MomLifeFor more about this ministry, visit our MomLife page.

Quarterly Women’s Brunch: We meet at 9:30 the second Saturday of every quarter (January, April, July, October) for a brunch together, a time of fellowship, and a time of learning from another woman. These brunches are open to all women – come join us!

Titus 2 Discipleship Groups: These meet once a month from September to usually June. They are led by a trained “spiritual mother” (an older woman that serves as a mentor). They work through a book study each year. For the 2024-2025 year, we are studying Better Together by Daily Grace for the fall and Sharing Our Faith by Daily Grace for the spring.

Women of Purpose Bible Fellowship: For more information about this ministry, visit our Adult Bible Fellowship page.

Yearly Women’s Conference: We do a women’s conference either every year or every other year. We will not do one in 2024.